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 2019 JNA Jewelry Design Competition Champion


幸運のシンボル七芒星をデザインしたブローチとイヤリング。最先端技術と伝統工芸技術の融合により、合計10ctの8つのダイヤモンドがDancing Stone機巧で揺れて輝き続けます。39カ国 2588作品中 頂点に輝いたこのジュエリーは、2019年9月 18日、アジア最大の宝飾展示会HongKong Jewellery & Gem FairのメインイベントJNA Jewelry Design Competition 授賞式で初披露されました。

The Heptagram is a 7 points star drawn with 7 straight strokes. It is a symbol of perfection, light, eternity, perpetuity and victory as well as the 7 notes of music, the 7colors of the rainbow, the 7 alchemical metals and the 7 days of the week. 7 is a lucky and mystical number traditionally associated with Venus. The mysterious Heptagram combined with Japanese cutting-edge technology and traditional craftsmanship is a perfect representation of ‘New Fashion Technology’.  The JNA Jewellery Design Competition 2018/19 attracted a total of 2,588 entries from jewellery designers from 39 countries and regions. (Yahoo! Finance, September 23, 2019)

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